An ION LRT train passes in front of a building


Stories about how we work, how we live, and our community.

Zeit flies when you're having fun

By Mark Connolly Mar 31, 2017

How Zeitspaces uses google design sprints, story mapping and prototypes to help bring products to life for our clients.
Topics: Software Development UX Design

Welcome to Zeitspace, Fabio Nobre

By Mark Connolly Mar 21, 2017

A Brazilian-native, and new Canadian, Zeitspace welcomes software engineer Fabio Nobre to the team.
Topics: Software Development Welcome to Zeitspace Zeitspace Alumni

Running a design sprint to increase project clarity and organizational capacity

By Mark Connolly Mar 13, 2017

How Zeitspace helped Capacity Canada use a Google Design Sprint to help a service organization explore and validate new ideas.
Topics: UX Design Community Our Craft